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Self-Portrait and My Lady Gaga Makeover

Self Portrait with Sketchbooks and Tea, ink & watercolor
Self Portrait with Sketchbooks and Tea, ink & watercolor

When I set up my old mirror to sketch the self-portrait I end each journal with, I could see my sketchbooks on the shelf behind me in the mirror, along with the cup of tea behind the mirror.  When I finished the sketch I pasted this photo of my Lady Gaga Makeover on the opposite page:

Me with Lady Gaga Hair
Me with Lady Gaga Hair

I found Instyle’s Hollywood Makeover website when I was looking for new hairstyle ideas. You upload a photo of your face, line it up, and select a hairstyle (from a huge collection of celebrity photos) which then appears on your face. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time!

Once you select a hairstyle (and even change the hair color) you can choose face and eye makeup, creating a complete makeover, which I did. If you register on their site you can save and download your makeover photos and it’s all free.

Jennifer Garner Hair Makeover
Jennifer Garner Hair Makeover

I brought this more reasonable makeover photo to my hairdresser, who rolled her eyes since the original model (Jennifer Garner) has thick, straight hair and mine isn’t. But with the help of her scissors and blow dryer, I did get something close.

Of course now my hair has gone native again, back to curly, since that’s so much easier than trying to turn it into something it isn’t with gels and blow driers and clips and pins and staying out of the wind and fog.

If you try the makeover site, please share the results! Or at least enjoy the laugh!

11 replies on “Self-Portrait and My Lady Gaga Makeover”

Seeing the gaga hair on a normal, healthy-looking face just emphasises how bizarre it really is… I recently tried on a friend’s blonde wig and was quite alarmed by the result!


More from me. Speaking of hair styles, it seems to me that the first (natural) style has your hair looking quite a bit like Botticelli’s Venus (rising from the waves), only dark, not red-gold.


What fun! What a great site–brings out the little girl
in me who wanted to try out everything.
Love your mirror and books portrait.


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