
Wordle: ARBOR (Day)

Wordle: ARBOR (Day)

For Wordle ARBOR I thought of Arbor Day, a holiday I remember from elementary school when people made a big deal about planting trees, which I was confused about. I didn’t know the meaning of the word Arbor nor what it had to do with tree planting.

It turns out “Arbor Day—which literally translates to “tree” day from the Latin origin of the word arbor—is a holiday that celebrates the planting, upkeep and preservation of trees.”

Arbor Day was invented by a couple in Nebraska in the 1870s. You can read about the interesting history here.

Art Sketchbook Pages

Wordle: VAGUE and Dreams

Wordle: VAGUE and Baby

The pencil portrait on this page has a VAGUE resemblance to a dear friend who used to be vague—always a good listener and caring person but one who rarely spoke up about herself.

Then she found her voice and now she asks for what she needs. She is no longer vague; she is very specific and now our friendship is so much stronger.


Wordle: RIPER (and dreams)

Wordle: RIPER and dreams

For Wordle: RIPER I drew the stages of bananas from Green to Ick. Why do they go from green to black so fast? I learned recently that if you seal the end where it connected to the bunch with plastic wrap or foil the ripening process goes more slowly.

The dreams above were:

(1) Riding in a NYC taxi and explaining to the driver how New Yorkers are born with wisdom and know things others don’t, like how to get home when the bus stops running, and then crying because I love NY so much and want to be back there.

(2) I thought the cab driver might be homeless but he said he had to hurry and go because his wife is in a Calvin Klein Fashion show.

(3) Admiring my friend Barbara’s belt and then realizing I have one just like it. (Except in real life I don’t own a single belt but wish I did.)


Wordles: RUDDY & SWEAT (and dreams)

Wordle: RUDDY and dreams

For Wordle: RUDDY I drew the North American Ruddy Duck. These funny, cute critters need to get a running start across the water in order to take flight. Also above are some vibrant dreams illustrated that you can read if you want to click to enlarge the image.

Wordle: SWEAT(s) and dream that Adam Scott was my boyfriend

My usual at-home wardrobe consists of sweats (above) because as Mark Twain said, ”The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco.” The constant fog and wind in my neighborhood call for sweats and a hoodie most of the time, even or especially in the summer.

I’d been watching the very funny Party Down on Hulu (from 2010) that Adam Scott stars in. So in my dream (above) he was my boyfriend and we were planning our ill-fated wedding.

The 2-page spread

Two Creepy Wordles: (Prison) KIOSK and AVAIL

Wordle: Prison Music KIOSK

When I googled “KIOSK,” I landed on, a seller of Prison Music Kiosks with the tagline, “The “i-Tunes of U.S. prisoners.” The site displays a photo of a hapless prisoner paying to play music. The Prison-Industrial complex provides opportunities for entrepreneurs to invent businesses to capitalize on the system.

Wordle: AVAIL

She AVAILed herself of a VEIL to No AVAIL. It wasn’t going to hide the fact that she was a creepy clown. Also a dream of shopping for chaise lounges at Costco. All they had were the nasty ones with plastic straps of colored plastic that stick to your skin and leave stripey dents.


Wordle: MAGIC and CACHE + Dreams

Wordle: CACHE (Woodpeckers Cache: 700 pounds of acorns)

In Santa Rosa, California a cache of 700 pounds of acorns were discovered in the walls and chimney of home that had been stored there by a pair of Acorn Woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus). I love their little red caps that look like Catholic cardinal’s hats.

In the dream (above) I was the star of a hearing aid study where the hearing aids have AI and the whole world comes alive in 3-D sound like you’re in a video game.

Wordle: MAGIC and dreams of elephant-nosed dog and housecleaning

Dreams are MAGIC because in dreams I can fly and it’s so much fun! In dream #1 above I was at the SPCA and saw a cute, fluffy puppy with a nose like an elephant’s trunk. I wanted to adopt him (but he was already spoken for).

Usually my dreams are much more mundane, like dream #2 and #3, mostly about housecleaning.


Sound, Synchronicity and Salsa (Wordles and Dreams)

Wordle: SOUND and Synchronicity.

The Wordle was SOUND and it was a day of synchronicity because I finally have good sound in the studio again thanks to a cheap Bluetooth Dongle. (Click image to enlarge to read more about it).

I am months and probably 100 pages behind in posting so will keep this short. I almost posted these two journal pages a month ago but got frustrated when I couldn’t get a clean image. I decided to just get them posted anyway, even if they’re not close to perfect.

Wordle: SALSA and bizarro dreams