
Wordles: RUDDY & SWEAT (and dreams)

For Wordle RUDDY I drew the North American Ruddy Duck. They need to get a running start across the water in order to take flight. Funny, cute critters. Some very vibrant dreams you can read if…

Wordle: RUDDY and dreams

For Wordle: RUDDY I drew the North American Ruddy Duck. These funny, cute critters need to get a running start across the water in order to take flight. Also above are some vibrant dreams illustrated that you can read if you want to click to enlarge the image.

Wordle: SWEAT(s) and dream that Adam Scott was my boyfriend

My usual at-home wardrobe consists of sweats (above) because as Mark Twain said, ”The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco.” The constant fog and wind in my neighborhood call for sweats and a hoodie most of the time, even or especially in the summer.

I’d been watching the very funny Party Down on Hulu (from 2010) that Adam Scott stars in. So in my dream (above) he was my boyfriend and we were planning our ill-fated wedding.

The 2-page spread

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