Gardening Landscape Outdoors/Landscape Painting Places Plein Air Pt. Richmond Sketchbook Pages Watercolor

Secret Pt. Richmond “Wave Garden” With Spectacular Views

Pt. Richmond Secret Garden View, Watercolor, 9x12"
Pt. Richmond Secret Garden View, Watercolor, 9×12″

One of our Urban Sketchers, Susan Ford, is a landscape designer who discovered this amazing secret garden in Pt. Richmond that overlooks the bay. The owners of the property,  whose home is just above the garden, recruited concrete artist/sculptor Victor Amador (photos: concrete work) to create winding paths, walls and little nooks with seating areas, all with views of the Bay. They hired Kellee Adams (photos/video about the plantings) to fill it with  colorful, abundant plants. And then the owners opened the property to the public.

I painted the larger watercolor above by working from my on-site sketch (below) as well as from memory and a funky cell phone photo.

Pt. Richmond Park Sketch, watercolor, 5x8"
Pt. Richmond Park Sketch, watercolor, 5×8″

We sketched until sunset, and the evening felt like a truly spiritual experience. It was so peaceful to be surrounded by sky and sea and the sounds of birds, bees, breezes. Although we were only blocks from the freeway I felt like I was far away on a distant island.

Here is a video from a local TV station about the park and its creators when it was first opened in 2008. It doesn’t do justice to the planting which was new then, but is fully grown now.

The Wave Garden is located at the end of Grandview Court in Point Richmond and parking is limited. If you visit, please be quiet and respectful of the neighbors.

15 replies on “Secret Pt. Richmond “Wave Garden” With Spectacular Views”

Thanks. You’re so right. I wonder if they receive their reward by watching the garden from their windows and seeing people’s pleasure and joy at being there. Jana


Another gorgeous watercolor and an inspiring location. I feel as though I get a virtual tour of your part of the world through reading your blot and am inspired yo visit those interesting places. Need to plan another trip!


What a gorgeous garden!! What a wonderful place to sketch! I’m always impressed when I hear about someone foregoing financial gain to give to the public—a real hero!


It’s pretty astonishing what he has given to the public and how much it cost him to build it. Such a generous man and like you said, a true hero. Jana


looks like you finally had a peaceful sketching outlet after your other excursions were clouded by peril!! You seemed to honor the absurdities with an adverturous spirit, good for you!


Thanks Beth. You’re so funny. And you’re right, since I so often get lost I’ve had to just consider every venture an adventure and just see what happens. How is the house search going? jana


Thank you Victor for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Your work is beautiful! Jana

Sketchblog: Website: UrbanSketchers-BayArea,


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