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Sketchcrawl 46 – Bernal Heights, San Francisco

When it was time to leave for the Sketchcrawl in San Francisco I couldn’t find my precious sketch kit, with all my favorite sketching tools. I scoured the studio and the house. No sketch kit. All I could think of was…

SF Bernal Heights Sketchcrawl (original) ink and watercolor in XL WC Moleskine
SF Bernal Heights Sketchcrawl, ink, watercolor, gouache, 7.5 x 11″

When it was time to leave for the Sketchcrawl in San Francisco I couldn’t find my sketch kit containing all my favorite sketching tools. I scoured the studio and the house. No sketch kit. I feared I’d left it at my figure drawing class the day before at the community college where it had probably already been adopted by a needy art student. Sad and frustrated, I cobbled together some pens, pencils, brushes and paints, threw them in a bag and drove across the Bay Bridge to San Francisco.

Catching up with my friend Susan Cornelis who came down from Sebastopol for the day, and connecting with some other local sketch buddies helped me forget about my missing precious pens and paints for a little while. Since I was so late, after a quick walk around the neighborhood, I decided to sketch what I could see from a bench on the porch in front of the library where the final meet up would be. The lamp post in the sketch above was up on the porch too, which is a little confusing perspective-wise, being up about 8 steps from the sidewalk in this hilly neighborhood.

The good news is that I had a great time at the sketch crawl AND the next day when I was getting ready to go out to the studio I picked up the basket I use to carry things back and forth from house to studio and my sketch kit was in the basket! YAY! And I put a “Reward for return” note in the bag with my name and phone number on it in case it ever disappears again.

I think I like the sketch better broken into two separate ones (below). What do you think?

5 replies on “Sketchcrawl 46 – Bernal Heights, San Francisco”

I like both versions, Jana. The full version gives a sense of the whole neighborhood. But the separate pieces do well together, too. You could put the two pictures, side-by-side, as you did, but leave just a thin line of white between them. That gives the separation, yet a sense of the full scene.


I like it in one sketch, although I see what you mean about the street light. I would not have noticed it, I think, without your pointing it out. But the two vertical sketches work, too! I wouldn’t have thought to try looking at this sketch in pieces!


Yes, I like it in two pieces! It was so great to see you again and get into the sketch world with you and the other Bay Area sketchers. Hope to do this again and I’m so glad you found your precious sketch materials


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