Life in general Painting Watercolor

Wind Up Angel Dressed for Christmas

Guardian Angel, Watermedia, 8x8"
Angel, Watermedia on Arches paper, 8x8"

My sister has great parking karma. She deeply believes there will always be a parking place for her, and there is. She gave me this little wind-up “parking karma angel” that I keep on my dashboard, along with my Boy Scout “Finding My Way” badge (that I bought at a Boy Scout store I happened upon) since I’m notorious for getting lost. The angel has a knob on the back and if you wind it up, her wings flap and she grants you a parking space.

Perhaps she can also grant New Years or Christmas wishes. Send me your wishes and I’ll wind her up for you.  Be sure and let me know if they come true!

About the painting:

I placed a turquoise cloth beneath her and draped a red one to her side, making her silvery gown and wings reflect all that color back.  I wanted to paint her in oils but decided to do watercolor first. Since I still haven’t  gotten around to replacing my masking fluid (which had turned into a solid lump), I tried preserving the whites but didn’t completely succeed. So I tried recapturing them with gouache (came out greyish), then acrylic (too cool, too bright white) and finally used some latex interior house paint that I’d previously had matched to the color of my Arches watercolor paper. It worked well and matched the preserved whites.

I took photos of Angel Baby (what I call her) with different colored cloths and some of them were quite dramatic. I’m going to try painting her again with some of those other colored cloths.

Happy Holidays!

5 replies on “Wind Up Angel Dressed for Christmas”

I got up comparatively early because Christmas Eve is going to be a busy day – but two things happen to sustain me – hearing Archbishop Desmond Tutu laughing on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme and finding Jana’s Journal and Sketch Blog. A very good parking place – Merry Christmas.

To be mentioned in the same sentence ad Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Christmas Eve is a wonderful Christmas gift! Thank you! Jana


My wish would be to stop procrastinating but I fear her poor wings might be flapping overtime!! I love the colour combinations here, really shimmery and rich! Have a wonderful and creative holiday Jana and thanks for all the lovely art and many chuckles in 2008!


I’m totally inspired by the way you set up your still life paintings. Angel Baby is charming! I hope she grants my wish that this pretty snow that’s falling fast and furious stops in time for the roads to be plowed. I’ve been looking forward to Christmas Eve with my brother and sister, nieces and nephews.

Merry Christmas, Jana.


She’s beautiful, Jana. Turquoise and red, wow! Great colors! I am always happy when I see the email notice that you’ve got something new, and click right here. Yes, thanks for all the sharing: your art, your life, your funny stores, and your struggles, it’s been a great year of enjoying your blog. Christmas blessings to you.


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