Faces People Portrait Sketchbook Pages Sktchy Watercolor

More Sketchy Sktchy Portraits

Sketching from Sktchy App photos is a great warmup exercise and opportunity to practice drawing a wide variety of faces and expressions. Each week they offer a “Weekend Art Exploration” challenge and 3 of the drawings marked in the collage below…

Nyla Rose, Watercolor
Nyla Rose, Watercolor

Sketching from Sktchy App photos (I explained it here) is a great warmup exercise and opportunity to practice drawing a wide variety of faces and expressions. Each week they offer a Weekend Art Exploration (#WAX) challenge and 3 of the drawings marked in the collage below were for WAX. All are in a 12×9″ sketchbook.

Collage of sketches and inspiration photos from Sktchy. (Click on image two times to enlarge.)

The challenge marked in the top row was to draw on text; mine is on a page of “Secrets of the Flesh: The Life of Collette.” The challenge in row two was to show your tools used to create the art so I put my colored pencils in front of “Crazy Eyes,” as she titled her photo. The bottom row challenge was to use the magic of art to transform a photo into something else (I combined Tweety Bird with the girl making a bird face). The last sketch above is from a photo I uploaded for others to draw. I did a better job on Millie than me.

Below are larger versions of a few from this batch (click to see larger):

This weekend the challenge is to draw from the same photo twice, once with each hand. Wish me luck! I don’t think my left hand knows how to do anything except type.

6 replies on “More Sketchy Sktchy Portraits”

These are great! I couldn’t do the challenge, my left-hand acts like it doesn’t belong to me!! Draw with it, wouldn’t happen. Looking forward to your drawings.


Haha. I did it twice. I actually liked the first lefthand attempt, done directly in ink but the righthand one was awful so I didn’t post either. It was like having a lump attached to my art rather than something that I could control. Made me want to do more of those.

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