Figure Drawing People

Happy Halloween: Figure Drawing Date with a Skeleton

For a pre-Halloween figure drawing session, the model posed with a skeleton as if they were on a date, making small talk on the sofa….

Halloween Date, charcoal on paper
Halloween Date, charcoal on paper

For a pre-Halloween figure drawing session, the model posed with a skeleton as if they were on a date, making small talk on the sofa. While the model and the rest of the group took a lunch break I continued drawing the skeleton, who needed no break and continued posing nicely.

I think we had about an hour and a half on this pose with the model, plus my time with Mr. Skeleton. I wish I’d sketched in a bit of the background so that their funky sofa wasn’t just floating in space.

10 replies on “Happy Halloween: Figure Drawing Date with a Skeleton”

Thanks Sharon for commenting. I’m curious if you were referring to the drawing or the pose or both as “unusual.” And of course you’re right–it’s pretty uncommon to find a naked lady hanging out with a slightly lecherous skeleton!


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