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I just love to draw

BART riders

Ink & watercolor in Strathmore Drawing 6×8″ sketchbook (larger)

A tall, overstuffed, nerdy guy sat down beside me on the commute home, opened his laptop and started watching a bloody horror movie. It was one of those movies with a creepy doll in it.

I turned away from him, tired from my first day back at work after being home with a cold,  and feeling disgusted by what I saw on his screen. But once I started drawing, I just felt happy.

I added watercolor this evening at home and that made me feel happy too. I really like this sketchbook paper for drawing with ink and then adding light watercolor washes. Although I usually prefer Cheap Joes inexpensive Golden Fleece watercolor brushes, tonight I grabbed an old friend: the first watercolor brush I ever bought: a Winsor Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable brush, with peeling paint, loose ferrule and no point.

I’m glad to be 2/3 over my cold, out of my pajamas, showered and dressed after a couple of days of being housebound with no energy to do any of the above.

13 replies on “I just love to draw”

Oh, Jana! There is such delight in this sketch — vibrant and energetic, playful … no wonder it was such fun to sketch! I just love your ink and washes — they’re so fresh and inviting!!! Glad too you’re over the cold — !


Nice painting, technique really works well. How about a pic of the guy and his laptop with that creepy doll. Those kind of films are really scary. Clowns or ventriliquist’s dolls!


I love this post. I think it is easy, especially when keeping a sketch blog, to focus on producing sketches…rather than sketching out of love. Not sure if this makes sense or not, but regardless, this post really resonates with me.

I know exactly what you mean…but don’t you find that even if you start drawing to feed the blog, once you’re drawing it’s great fun anyway…like genxsters describes in her comment below? Jana


One of the things I love about drawing is that it often redirects my attention and transforms a bad mood into a better one. So glad you are feeling better and sharing these wonderful drawings.


I, too, love to draw and really like your drawing here. It’s fun to sketch your surroundings and the people until they catch you, but these are the best sketches.


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