People Sketchbook Pages

Figure Drawing

Pentel Brush Pen and water in 6×8″ sketchbook – 20 minute pose

As you can see we had quite a large model tonight. She was excellent at posing but when you faced her back it was like drawing a landscape with a big mountain in the middle. So I grabbed a small notebook that I could easily carry around to the other side of the room along with my brush pen and waterbrush. I drew with the brush pen and used the waterbrush to bleed the ink out for shading. Then the next pose I went back to my table and big sketchbook.

Pencil in 14×17″ sketchbook – 10 minute pose

Pencil and Pentel Brush Pen with water in 14×17″ sketchbook – 20 minute pose

It was a good night at figure drawing after an annoying afternoon working on the postcards for my show in March. I learned a lot of stuff I wasn’t really interested in learning but they’re done and finally ordered.

Tonight they had the overhead lights on instead of the directional ones because they needed to replace the bulbs in the spot lights. It was nice having enough light and there were still some decent shadows.

20 replies on “Figure Drawing”

This reminds me of my life drawing class during my second year at university. It was fantastic. At various times we got to draw a very elderly woman in a dentist’s chair, and almost emaciated young man, the instructor’s 9-months-pregnant girlfriend and a pair of lazy Golden Retrievers. It made me realize how incredibly diverse the unvclad body could be.

You really captured the solidity and organic qaulity of your model’s figure, Jana!


I always learn something from you Jana… I would like to use this forum to direct you all — since you are read so much – to a wonderful artist. I am sure you all visitors will appreciate this one.

Her name is Anne Eldredge Harris and she is 88 years old. She is now in a wheel chair and still active. Her srt is outstanding and special, I think. Your e-mails, will brighten her days.


I wish I had the opportunity to draw a model like this! I know from my experience that models with a little extra weight are much more fun to draw than those that are skin and bones.

And, on a side note, good for her! I can’t imagine being comfortable enough with my body to ever pose!


I do feel fortunate for the variety — both in the drawing group models and in the S.F. Bay Area population which is very diverse, with people of all colors from all nations, with every possible kind of look.

Suzanne, I found myself thinking many of those kinds of thoughts about body image. She did seem quite at ease but her body seemed to be telling stories of devastation.


WONDERFUL job, Jana…and your comment about a landscape with a mountain in the middle was very astute; she is an imposing figure and your bold lines captured her beautifully.

And thank you for trying out the Pentel brush pen with a waterbrush, I’d been meaning to see if that would work!


So…all I need, it would seem, is a very big mirror! Jokes aside, Jana, you have done her proud,in the washy ink and the sketch.I haven’t been here for a few days and I’m taking it all in greedily.Thankyou.


oh my gosh! I was there!
Was this @ UC Berkeley?
I have some great sketches of her too!!!


i have recently taken art for GCSE and currently studying ‘form’ i have taken this sketch and i think that this sketch is also very imaginative as you don’t just show a drawing your showing hidden meanings. By doing this you’re expressing your inner emotions towards the perfect body so i praise you… if anyone has any ideas on how this really does relate to form please comment thankyou


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